South Carolina’s 2019 Legislative Priorities and the status of the Convention of States will be on the agenda as S C Representative Bill Taylor addresses the next Aiken Republican Club luncheon – 11:00 am Tuesday November 27, 2018 at Newberry Hall.
Bill Taylor represents House District 86 in the South Carolina General Assembly. He was first elected to office in 2010 and is currently serving his fourth term. He is Chairman of the Higher Education Subcommittee of the House Education & Public Works Committee. During his second term he served as First Vice Chairman of the Education Committee.
Other positions of legislative leadership include serving as a Whip for the House Majority Caucus for four years and Chairman of Communications for the House Republican Caucus 2015-16.
Nationally, Bill proudly served as a consultant to the George H.W. Bush White House in ’91-92.
Bill is a former television reporter, producer, anchorman and news director. For more than three decades he was an entrepreneur and media consultant/critic. During his career he advised broadcast and cable networks, Hollywood studios, and scores of local TV stations, as well as newspapers and web developers.
Bill is happily married to Donna Taylor for 47 years.They have two adult children.
The Taylor’s currently live in rural Aiken County and previously owned and operated a 66 acre horse farm in the northeast part of Aiken county.