Dear Members,
I’m pleased to announce that the Aiken Republican Club will hold it’s annual Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 9 PM at Newberry Hall. Newberry Hall is located at 117 Newberry Street downtown Aiken, SC.
Be ready to participate in our Christmas Sweater and Jacket & Tie contest. So look in your closet ladies, check out your sweaters and men your jackets, tie rack and maybe you might win a prize.
At this party we will announce the Officers and Board Members for 2016 and give out a few awards to some very deserving members.
We will have good food, some spirits and a wonderful time with fellow members.
The cost for Members is $30.00 and $35.00 for Non-Members. The dinner is Prime Rib. There will be a cash bar.
This would be a very good time to renew your Membership for 2016.
Please contact Nancy Boykin at arc29803@atlanticbb.net or call (803) 642-9668 no later than Saturday, December 5 at 12:00Noon.
Cancellations must be received no later than Friday, December 4, 2015. You are responsible for your reservation.
Registration will begin at 5:30 PM.
May I be the first to wish you and your Family a Merry Christmas, a healthy, prosperous, and Happy New Year.
I look forward to seeing each and everyone of you there.
God Bless You,