The Aiken Republican Club will host a State House Forum at the Club’s April Luncheon Meeting on Tuesday, April 26. The meeting will be held at Newberry Hall located at 117 Newberry St. down town Aiken, SC.
The Candidates running for the District 81 SC House Seat are Attorney Chris Austin, Businessman Bart Blackwell, Financial Consultant Jeremy O’Donnell and former Aiken County Party Chairman and Realtor KT Ruthven.
The seat was held by SC House Rep. Don Wells who is not running for re-election.
We as Republicans are well aware what is at stake in the upcoming Presidential Election in 2016. Keep in mind that all our US Congressman and one US Senator are also up for re-election.
Who we elect to represent us in our State House is just as important. The Primary is on June 18.
The Registration/Social time will be from 10 AM to 11:50 AM. Lunch is at 12 Noon.
The cost for Members is $17.00 and $22.00 for Non-Members and includes Lunch.
To make a Reservation or cancel a reservation please use the our web site www.aikenrepublicanclub.com
You have until 4 PM Friday, April 22 to cancel a reservation keeping in mind that you are responsible for reservation.
We look forward seeing all of you on Tuesday, April 26.