
The Aiken Republican Club is one of the largest public Republican Clubs in South Carolina, sometimes drawing capacity crowds of more than 300. It was established in 2002 as a social club to provide opportunities for politically-minded citizens to gather and discuss current political issues. Initially the Club focused on local and state issues and candidates. Since 2010 another dimension has emerged as a result of South Carolina’s increased role in the presidential selection process, and the Club has become a popular forum for candidates contemplating national office.


Meetings are held monthly, usually for lunch but occasionally dinner. Meetings generally follow one of three formats. The first is a featured speaker or speakers who may be public officials or candidates. The second is a forum in which candidates for a specific office are invited to speak and debate. In the third format, subject matter experts present the merits of specific issues.

There is a social time set aside prior to the official meeting start that allows speakers to mingle with Club members. Meetings usually last an hour ending with a question and answer session. Speakers often remain after to chat further with attendees and answer individual questions.

At our luncheon meetings, the Reverend George Alexander, the Rector of All Saints Anglican Church on Fairfield Street in Aiken, often gives the Invocation.

Andrew Siders, Vice Chairman of the Aiken County Council, often sings the National Anthem at the meetings.

Governance & Guidelines

The Aiken Republican Club is a social club with a goal to make the political process and elected officials accessible. It operates independent of the County Republican Party which conducts the party business, and is intended as a complement to the existing structure helping to get more people involved in our political process. The Club does not endorse any individual candidate or position, but is supportive of duly nominated candidates and official positions of the Republican Party. The Club is governed by a Board of Directors typically selected from active Club members.


Annual membership dues in the ARC are $20 per person and $35 per couple. Dues may be paid at any meeting by cash or check payable to Aiken Republican Club. Lunch meetings are $20 per person for members and $25 for non-members. Meetings and speakers are announced on this site and by email approximately two weeks before a meeting. The Aiken Republican Club maintains an email list of members and interested parties for these emails.

Club Officers

K T Ruthven



Art Smith


Eldon J Koch


Cecilia Hallman


Board of Directors

Jerry Burns

Ken Gordon

Cecilia Hallman

Jeff Kern

Eldon J. Koch

Judy Justice

K.T. Ruthven

Art Smith